Wildlife, Wildlife, Wildlife

One of the unexpected pleasures of biking is all of the wildlife I encounter along the way! This morning I rounded a corner on two foxes on the trail. One quickly scampered into the brush, but the second paused and looked over his shoulder at me. It's always exciting to come face-to-face with wildlife and... Continue Reading →

Bonneville Shoreline

Today I took my mountain bike out onto the Bonneville Shoreline Trail above Ogden. The trail follows the shore of a lake that existed between 13,000 and 30,000 years ago (late Pleistocene era) at the juncture of Bonneville Basin and the Wasatch Mountains. Looking south, with Antelope Island on the horizon. The views of the... Continue Reading →

Porter Rockwell Trail

If any name from western history evokes a sense of adventure, certainly it is that of the legendary Porter Rockwell. A skilled marksman, relentless fighter, bodyguard of prophets, deputy U.S. Marshall, the "destroying angel." The trail that bears his name, however, is a sleeper. The 12ish-mile paved path follows an abandoned train line from Pioneer... Continue Reading →

Ogden River Parkway

The Ogden River Parkway follows the Ogden River from the mouth of Ogden Canyon to its confluence with the WebeR River. The trail goes through the heart of Ogden, passing the Ogden Botanical Gardens, the George S. Eccles Dinosaur Park, and numerous city parks and green spaces. Twenty-First Street pond with the Wasatch Mountains. See... Continue Reading →

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